The recent trends and developments in Dialysis treatment explained?
Kidney failure in extreme cases can lead to death, but in most circumstances, patients suffering from the condition need to undergo dialysis sessions at a hospital or care center, several times a week till they receive a kidney transplant. Some innovations in technology by the Dialysis Machine Manufacturers have made this mode of treatment safer and less disruptive for the patients undergoing the treatment. In this article, we will examine some of the innovations made by the Dialysis Machine Manufacturers in particular and the Healthtech Industry, in general, to make the physician's and patient life easier. The first innovation has been the ability of patients to undergo Hemodialysis at home. This technique of Dialysis involves pumping an individual’s blood through an external sieve and pumping it back into the body after removing the extra waste and fluids from the body. This treatment has meant that the patient has to go to a hospital or a dialysi...